陕西电梯门套厂家直供电梯套价格优惠 皓晖建材 刘经理132 2058 9870 陕西电梯门套发往陕西省的西安, 咸阳、渭南、延安、宝鸡、榆林、铜川、汉中、安康、商洛 仿大理石电梯套的维护措施 仿大理石电梯套厂家给大家分享一下关于它的维护措施,由于维护不好后期会影响装修出来的效果,所以下面给大家提出四点维护措施,共大家参考学习。 Copy marble UV board manufacturer about its protective measures, to share with you because of my poor protection affects the effect of decorate out late, so here puts forward four measures for everyone, your reference learning. **、对仿大理石电梯套停止粗磨,这是粗磨因而不要运用软水磨片停止研磨,容易呈现波浪,影响平整度。 First, and then the coarse grinding the copy marble UV board, this is so not to use soft water grinding coarse grinding of abrasive, prone to wave, affect the flatness. 第二、细磨,细磨占整体大约三分之一的时间,细磨到800#后有初光呈现、细磨到2000#后光泽度可达50度。 Second, fine grinding, fine grinding accounted for about a third of the time, after the fine grinding to 800 # light appeared in the early, the glossiness after fine grinding to 2000 # can reach 50 degrees. 陕西电梯门套厂家直供电梯套价格优惠 皓晖建材 刘经理132 2058 9870 第三、精磨,精磨后光泽度提升很高,仿大理石UV板的外表密度进步了,为抛光剂打下坚实的根底,加强了抛光资料的附着力。 Third, fine grinding, fine grinding after high gloss ascension, marble surface density increased, for the polish to lay a solid foundation, to enhance the adhesion of polishing materials. 第四、抛光,抛光后仿大理石电梯套外表光泽度可达较少能在90度以上。 Fourth, polishing, after polishing can copy marble UV plate surface gloss is least in the more than 90 degrees.